How to Prepare.

Have your home appraisal ready.



An appraisal reflects to lenders and potential buyers a professional opinion of the value on the property. Because of this, it is important that an appraiser has access to the entire property during their evaluation. To ensure that this happens make sure the appraiser can get into all rooms, crawl spaces and attics have a clean access point such that the spaces can be assessed, and garages and outbuildings are accessible.


Because our goal is to have an accurate quote for your property, pictures may be taken to compare your home’s values to similar properties. You may remove photo-sensitive materials such as personal photos and/or documents (all these materials will be censored if not removed). Be aware that we may take interior and exterior pictures of your property.

Tips for your Property.

Get the most from your home.


Clean it.

Giving your property a good cleaning gives off a great first impression! Appraisers who enter a clean property can expect the home has been treated with care.

Fix it.

Do you have any open ended projects or something that needs to be repaired? Fixing these repairs on your property can boost your property’s value and give off a great impression to the appraiser.

Show it.

Let the appraiser know the best parts of the property. Tell them about the new roof you put on or recent addition you added. Please provide the cost of these improvements and permits if available.


Think your property is ready to be appraised?